we also work within:
Commercial & domestic
we also work WITH:
CWT have worked with a number of commercial contractors and local authorities over many years and our experience is extensive. The partnership has developed both a civil engineering and structural engineering consultancy service as a natural complement to the subsidence investigation and structural reporting services.
This arrangement allows for a close interaction at site investigation/scheme design stage and CWT can call upon a number of likeminded companies for site investigation services that are appropriate to your development. This can be arranged on your behalf by CWT through our specialist list of supply chain companies.
With ever increasing building costs and challenging brown field sites becoming the norm, it is necessary to ensure not only correct solutions for the ground conditions, but also an economic design with a foundation system working efficiently with the structural superstructure solution.
Civil engineering services
include designs for:
Traditional foundations
Rafts and Piled raft foundations
Pile and Ground beams / Pile caps
Retaining walls
Reinforced concrete retaining structures
Highway Retaining structures
Swimming pools
Water retaining structures
Structural design of highway pavements and car parks
Working in contaminated land
Working with and around protected trees and other infrastructure.
Constrained sites with tight boundary conditions.
Contractors Temporary Works and Method statements
We’re also experienced in detailed liaison
& technical submissions to 3rd party
stakeholders such as:
Local Authorities, Planning Authorities, Building Control, Environment Agency, Highways Authorities, London Underground, Network Rail, Port of London, Canals & Rivers Trust, utility companies and statutory undertakers, financial and funding institutions etc.
Gabion Wall | Underpinning